AutoSync Knowledge Base

AutoSync Snapshot Overview

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Here is the full transcript of this video:

As soon as you get MB Sync installed, you will have already entered your mind body site ID.

That site and I'll show you how you get to find the high level api key.

You log into your account ego into settings, go into business info, scroll down and you'll see the API key a little ways down.

I have some stuff blurred out here.

You can click on this little icon and it will allow you to copy the api key come back in here and just paste it into this field and you're good to go now.

We need to set up the calendars to come back into high level and still in settings, you click on calendars and we already have a calendar configured and ready to go.

You can do a standard calendar or a team calendar.

I'm going to show you a standard calendar in this case.

So I like to just click on this link and you can see it here and you just grab the last little part of the length of random stream characters and you come back, you paste it into calendar ID, you can give it whatever name you want and then you can choose it.

You want to sync that to classes or appointments Now.

If you were doing a team calendar, I'll show you a separate one that would look like this.

You would select the team. This account doesn't have a team.

Any team is defined but if it did, you would select the team and then the calendars which populate within that team other than that, the mapping on the other end is going to be exactly the same.

Alright, so in this case we want to map to a class and you just pick the class name.

If we wanted to map to an appointment you would do select the location, the appointment type, the staff member and a resource if applicable.

But today we're going to do classes and you can map it to a single class or a full group of classes, which is what we'll do here.

This means if any of the classes here are booked it will sync to this calendar that we've configured.

I've already got the everything set up in the account, reviewed all the workflows and I believe it's safe to go ahead and click save and sync while that's going, let's jump back into the crm account, you can see the sync here and that's going to take several minutes.

It will not try to do a complete contact sync.

Instead it will try to sync all the contacts that have booked anything within the past 30 days or any time in the future.

The little ship these contacts will get synced as well as those classes or appointments.

So coming back in here, if we were to backtrack the the snapshot is already installed here and you would use the standard procedures for installing the snapshot and then you would come into automation and you would see some of these workflows being populated.

So I will show you how we do some of that.

Okay, so first I'm going to just walk you through each of these snapshot or each of these workflows right?

There are three different ways to get a lead into into your high level system.

one would just be a standard elite landing page form.

We've got the form configured, this is part of the snapshot.

You can either choose one a version of it with the waiver or without.

This is a general opt in meaning it's not a trial or anything special.

It's just a basic option. You're capturing the contact info and nothing else.

We always include a check here to make sure we're not applying this role to an existing member.

There are many cases where you would think that that wouldn't come up but it still does.

So it's just the extra safe step that we put in place so that existing members don't get affected by some of these new workflows.

then that will just create an opportunity at a tag and then there's some checking here to see if the waiver was signed or not.

In either case we're going to apply a web hook to send, update the contact with high level.

Just want to make sure this is all set, it should be.

You shouldn't have to change this because it's based on a site.

Id custom value which should already be populated as soon as you install them.

Bc either way it's going to update the contact and or or create the contact and Mind Body and then just send them a simple welcome email which of course you can change the messaging for another way into the flow would be a trial lead and this one is special.

So this would go into a different form which is the MB trial opt in or you can do the often with waiver that's totally up to you.

if you're doing the waiver, you want to make sure you have populated the custom value with the waiver text so people see what they're signing and if you're doing this trial often you want to take a couple extra steps.

You need to come back into high level, I'm sorry into the sync and then instead of clicking the calendar conflict, click this little gear and then I've already selected a couple of hair but this is where you specify which pricing options you want to treat as trials and they're usually named trial or something.

So in this case we're adding this two week trial or free trial and then the system knows if one of these are purchased in mind body to start the trial tracking process.

It will apply a tag over here or it will well we'll get into trial tracking process in a minute.

But this initiating a trial through high level requires those extra steps and then that will enable it to be tracked in Mind body at the same time and you can see these same steps for the web hooks to update the contact record.

But there's this new one which is specific to trial and that's I'm going to show you the other side instead of here.

That specifies what we track on the my body side purchased in mind body.

This side tracks if it's purchased or initiated in the high level.

So we set up to web hooks to match the same two services over here.

Two week trial and pre trial. In each case you grab.

And and then this example we're just dealing with the two week trial.

So I'm going to grab this U. R. L. The link is copied.

You come back over here and you want to update this link with that web link and I'm going to go ahead and change this description and now that is ready to go before I go further.

And just to walk through, let me jump over to one other, one other workflow that you want to update.

And I think that's here under utility.

I'm just gonna check this web work blow triggers a web hook and this is simply to keep things in sync with.

The contact is changed with any change in high level and I'll push it over to mind body using this web hook and again it's just based on the custom value for this with the site.

Ids. You don't need to change that but you do want to make sure it's turned on.

There's a similar one for contact created.

I wrote use caution because in many cases just creating an ID shouldn't necessarily create a matching I. D.

In mind body. Usually you want to wait until they do something relevant and you need to track them in mind body.

So I think this should be turned off most of the time unless you know that you want to create an account a client in mind body every time you create one in high level now you've got the calendar sync items and these do need to be updated.

So We've got calendar one confirmed appointment. If you come back here go back into calendar settings.

If you click this you can see a web hook, U. R. L.

Or confirmed or add client to class which would be a confirmed appointment.

You can see here confirmed.

Alright we're going to Oops collect the wrong one.

So we're going to update this web and that one was done published and you'll want to do a similar thing for the cancel action.

If someone cancels in high level you want that to be canceled in my body.

So you can see here this is for canceled, come back you're like that again, grab the link or canceled and that should be all you need to do on those two workflows.

You can see I have a placeholder for another calendar that's just to show you that you'll need to do this for each calendar In this case we're only using the one so we don't need to take any further actions.

You want to make sure this set customer type one is on.

This is just to help simplify the identifying of existing members.

You can look at that at some point now let's go back into the lead to trial.

So we've covered how to handle if you want to set up a trial through high level.

Yeah someone comes in through my body.

A new client is created there through some kind of opt in form will create the new client here.

Based off this tag, this is a special tag called MBI new customer and this only gets set when it's a brand new client ID created in my body for the first time.

When that happens, then we can identify it as a new customer still have this just in case should never matter.

But we're going to have this rule in front of each workflow for the most part we remove the new customer tags, we don't need it anymore.

And then we apply a new lead Changed the pipeline. Stage two new lead.

Make sure it's open, Send an email encouraging them to purchase the trial, it's gonna send them a link that should be set.

You'll need to set this link in your custom values and that's pretty much it.

So in this case we don't assume that they have already purchased the trial but if they have we'll be able to catch that later because we're watching for that and through the settings we did here in NBC just jump back in there real quick.

This setting tells us to watch for these.

So if that brand new contact also purchased one of these that would have already triggered some other actions and we'd be monitoring that in another workflow so that those three workflows that we've covered are kind of the ways in for new leads.

Now let's try let's cover what happens when we know they have purchased.

So in the case of this one we know they've already purchased and it would have already triggered these actions for general lead or a regular mind body lead.

They might take that action in a separate step but when they do, when they purchase one of the pre identified trial options it will automatically apply the special tag and be trial purchase and we will also populate a couple custom fields with like the name and the start date, the end date of the trial, the duration, things like that that can all help us drive our work blows.

We're going to make sure it's not an existing member.

Do some tag management create a new opportunity, push them in the purchase trial pipeline, send the internal notification to the team and a couple of messages to the contact.

We do put a slight pause in here to give him a chance to book often they'll book at the time their first class at the time of purchasing the trial.

And if that happens we don't want to send them these messages encouraging them to book.

So now that they purchased the trial the next step we want to push them to is the book that class.

So if they haven't they're going to they will have would have already seen those messages and then when they book that class because we're sync the calendars we would know the appointment status is confirmed in the M. V.

Sync calendar. You know that's a booking and we only want to do this for the first time booking.

And once again we have a special tag that's auto generated in mind body and we look for that tag here and that's called mv.

First time we include a couple of other things to make sure its following the right order like make sure the trial was purchased, make sure that the membership has not already been purchased and then as always we make sure it's not an existing member and we just do some management here with the tags and pulling them out of any of the other active workflows and then we move them to the pipeline stage for first appointment booked that can be appointment or class.

We just call it appointment, send them an email giving them some basic information on what to expect and so forth that should be updated and just a simple SmS message.

So once they booked the next goal would be to get them to show so we track that as well.

Again this is Applying only to the 1st class.

So if we see in the calendar, NBC calendar, the status changed to showed and these statuses do update as part of the sync

They update in real time. So as soon as the statuses showed in mind body it'll be showed here and it will trigger this or if it's missed or you know something happens and you want to manually move it.

That's the trigger too. So you can do that.

We checked to make sure it's not a member.

We move them to that pipeline stage, first class completed at a tag, wait, send them a message which would come right after the class just kind of saying how did it go but if they did not show if they canceled or a no show I'm just going to jump into one of these because it's a very similar flow.

So again the status will update real time.

So if the status is canceled to make sure they're not an existing member, we move them to that pipeline stage first visit, cancel, add a tag, remove them from the other workflow, send a couple of messages encouraging them to rebook and we sent him the built in rescheduling and ask them to to rebook and they can book that through high level because it's two ways.

So we sent them a few messages giving them a chance to respond.

Important note here if you have these automated reminder emails or texts configured in Mind body, you'll want to turn one or the other off so you don't want to be sending them reminders getting them to rebook from both systems.

So just be aware of that were both canceled and no show you want to just handle that accordingly.

So no show is going to be similar to what we just looked at and then we've got this special one just for tracking them through the trial.

So when the trial start date begins that's a custom build called MBI trial start date and on the date of that start date it will trigger this campaign.

And just quick note here Mind body allows you to configure your trial or your pricing option to start.

Either on the date of purchase or on the date of the first completed visit using that pricing option or trial.

If it's configured to officially start on that first visit date, we will not set this NBC start date until that happens.

So well we contract that the purchase has been activated but the date won't be populated until is truly active.

So this should be accurate regardless of how you have that pricing option or trial configured.

Once you get into here you'll move them to the pipeline stage, the trial started and then this is justice logistical thing, you need to set the trial in date so that we can manipulate a couple other steps here in the weight so that will come right here, Wait two days before trial and this is going to be applied to the appointment or event appointment time, which is what we just set up here, two days before we're going to add a tag, saying, saying trial expiring soon set up a manual sms to be pushed out by your team And then we wait two days and we know that's going to be the end of the trial and then we add the trial ended tag and move them to the trial ended pipeline, send the task to the team to follow up and then we wait a couple of weeks and we will add them to the trial ended, lost if they have not moved into purchase stage.

By then Hopefully this 13 day wait period will be plenty of time for them to become a customer and they'll never never get to that.

So we just covered all the trial workflows which is the bulk of what makes everything happen here.

You can look through some of these other ones are just kind of here as placeholders to see to let you know some of the opportunities you can do.

So not very fleshed out the list, reactivation is something you can do the review requests and referral request.

Those are things you can do. I am going to jump into the new member.

So when someone makes a purchase, I'm going to update this in real time right now because I forgot to change this.

So we have a brand new feature very similar to the trial of configurations.

But this is membership assignments. So you can look at all the available pricing options.

Then you can click to identify which ones you consider as price.

If they have a customer purchases One of these pricing options than they are a member.

So you go through and click.

I've selected 20 here and if someone purchases any of those, they will be considered a member.

And what will happen there is we will. Now this has been updated.

Okay well we'll change this client type.

This is a special custom field and the client type and on the day they become a member, they will have a status of new member from that day, the next day going forward.

That will change to just be a member.

Let's just convenient so that we can differentiate between existing members and new members and use it for this trigger.

That's the main reason for the new member status. Otherwise the MB client type would probably be prospect.

They'd be a prospect until they make this one of one of those items purchased and then it could trigger that.

We also allow Emmanuel pipeline Dragon drop into that stage. We do have an extra check here.

If they manually move it, we can't be sure if they're an existing member or not.

We have that usual check. I'm sure they're not an existing member. And again it's member not new member.

New member is cool. Well let that through but remember means they've been a member for more than a day and they shouldn't be going through this.

And this one is simple.

We just move them into that pipeline stage and add a couple of tags just for tracking And change the status of course to one.

So we're almost done here with the configuration of the key things you need to worry about.

I'm gonna show you a couple housekeeping ones. This one's nice to know that this is here.

So there's something in my body called client status and that represents basically the payment status of a client.

So it could be active or suspended or credit card expired or declined things like that.

And we tracked that real time and we push it into a custom field called and the client status.

So depending on what that gets set to.

We have these triggers in place and most it will be active when they first become a member.

So we we only want to apply this if it's active changed the active after it was inactive for an existing member, like if their payment expired or something happened with an existing member, we wouldn't want to run any of these rules for a brand new first time member.

And that's why I don't say new member here only should apply to older exists. Pre existing members.

If it does, then it means the account was just reactivated and you just send him a message saying, okay that accounts Active, thanks, you know that sort of thing and kick them out of the other workflows.

That was less interesting. These other ones are I think you'll see the usefulness of them.

So if the payment was declined, for whatever reason that becomes the status, you would want to take action on that.

So you wait until a reasonable time of day, have this manual smS queued up for your team so they can be there to monitor a response, wait a week, Send an email, wait five days, send a task for the team to follow up.

Hopefully they would have taken action from the first text but we have some follow up just in case and the goal of course, is to get them to resolve their payment client issue.

The payment expired is very similar.

I'm not going to click all the way through but you'll see it looks very familiar, pretty much the same sort of blow, same goal if the payments expire, you want to correct that suspended could mean a lot of things, it could be suspended because they did something wrong or it was just suspended.

Someone on the team chose to suspend them or it was automatic. There's less that we can do automated.

So we just add a task to the team to go look.

So if it's suspended, someone will at least review it and take the appropriate action and then terminated.

This one is kind of similar if an account has been terminated for whatever reason they reach the end of their, their prepaid cycle or a number of visits or whatever and then it changes determinate ID.

We all we're doing here Is waiting 90 days and then we'll add a tag saying 90 days expired because that allows you to group them and then you can send a mass and bulk email for a campaign to get them reactivated or something like that.

And I have some special smart list set up for this.

So if you go into contact there it is. You'll see some smart lists.

So you know what, It's not created, It didn't make it over with the snapshot imports.

So let me, well let me just describe it for you because I don't want to blur out everything.

you would basically have a smart list for each of those statuses.

So you'd see active declined expired, whatever each of those would be up here and then you could click and see those contacts grouped together and take whatever appropriate bulk actions you would like to write from the smart list so you can use your imagination.

They would be right on the air with all the smart list and that pretty much sums up how the snapshot works and what your options are and how the workflows kind of guide your clients, your prospects to become members.

you can see it, it does create a new opportunity pipeline called new lead trial to remember, he said, I'll walk him through this path automatically.

And then of course you can have other existing, opportunity pipelines just like this account does.

And I think that kind of covers it.

So thanks for bearing with me on this long video.

as soon as you get MB Sync installed, you will have already entered your mind body site ID.

That site and I'll show you how you get to find the high level api key.

You log into your account ego into settings, go into business info, scroll down and you'll see the A p i K a little ways down.

I have some stuff blurred out here.

You can click on this little icon and it will allow you to copy the api key come back in here and just paste it into this field and you're good to go now.

We need to set up the calendars to come back into high level and still in settings, you click on calendars and we already have a calendar configured and ready to go.

You can do a standard calendar or a team calendar.

I'm going to show you a standard calendar in this case.

So I like to just click on this link and you can see it here and you just grab the last little part of the length of random stream characters and you come back, you paste it into calendar ID, you can give it whatever name you want and then you can choose it.

You want to sync that to classes or appointments Now.

If you were doing a team calendar, I'll show you a separate one that would look like this.

You would select the team. This account doesn't have a team.

Any team is defined but if it did, you would select the team and then the calendars which populate within that team other than that, the mapping on the other end is going to be exactly the same.

Alright, so in this case we want to map to a class and you just pick the class name.

If we wanted to map to an appointment you would do select the location, the appointment type, the staff member and a resource if applicable.

But today we're going to do classes and you can map it to a single class or a full group of classes, which is what we'll do here.

This means if any of the classes here are booked it will sync to this calendar that we've configured.

I've already got the everything set up in the account, reviewed all the workflows and I believe it's safe to go ahead and click save and sync while that's going, let's jump back into the crm account, you can see the sync here and that's going to take several minutes.

It will not try to do a complete contact sync.

Instead it will try to sync all the contacts that have booked anything within the past 30 days or any time in the future.

The little ship these contacts will get synced as well as those classes or appointments.

So coming back in here, if we were to backtrack the the snapshot is already installed here and you would use the standard procedures for installing the snapshot and then you would come into automation and you would see some of these workflows being populated.

So I will show you how we do some of that.

Okay, so first I'm going to just walk you through each of these snapshot or each of these workflows right?

There are three different ways to get a lead into into your high level system.

one would just be a standard elite landing page form.

We've got the form configured, this is part of the snapshot.

You can either choose one a version of it with the waiver or without.

This is a general opt in meaning it's not a trial or anything special.

It's just a basic option. You're capturing the contact info and nothing else.

We always include a check here to make sure we're not applying this role to an existing member.

There are many cases where you would think that that wouldn't come up but it still does.

So it's just the extra safe step that we put in place so that existing members don't get affected by some of these new workflows.

then that will just create an opportunity at a tag and then there's some checking here to see if the waiver was signed or not.

In either case we're going to apply a web hook to send, update the contact with high level.

Just want to make sure this is all set, it should be.

You shouldn't have to change this because it's based on a site.

Id custom value which should already be populated as soon as you install them.

Bc either way it's going to update the contact and or or create the contact and Mind Body and then just send them a simple welcome email which of course you can change the messaging for another way into the flow would be a trial lead and this one is special.

So this would go into a different form which is the MB trial opt in or you can do the often with waiver that's totally up to you.

if you're doing the waiver, you want to make sure you have populated the custom value with the waiver text so people see what they're signing and if you're doing this trial often you want to take a couple extra steps.

You need to come back into high level, I'm sorry into the sync and then instead of clicking the calendar conflict, click this little gear and then I've already selected a couple of hair but this is where you specify which pricing options you want to treat as trials and they're usually named trial or something.

So in this case we're adding this two week trial or free trial and then the system knows if one of these are purchased in mind body to start the trial tracking process.

It will apply a tag over here or it will well we'll get into trial tracking process in a minute.

But this initiating a trial through high level requires those extra steps and then that will enable it to be tracked in Mind body at the same time and you can see these same steps for the web hooks to update the contact record.

But there's this new one which is specific to trial and that's I'm going to show you the other side instead of here.

That specifies what we track on the my body side purchased in mind body.

This side tracks if it's purchased or initiated in the high level.

So we set up to web hooks to match the same two services over here.

Two week trial and pre trial. In each case you grab.

And and then this example we're just dealing with the two week trial.

So I'm going to grab this U. R. L. The link is copied.

You come back over here and you want to update this link with that web link and I'm going to go ahead and change this description and now that is ready to go before I go further.

And just to walk through, let me jump over to one other, one other workflow that you want to update.

And I think that's here under utility.

I'm just gonna check this web work blow triggers a web hook and this is simply to keep things in sync with.

The contact is changed with any change in high level and I'll push it over to mind body using this web hook and again it's just based on the custom value for this with the site.

Ids. You don't need to change that but you do want to make sure it's turned on.

There's a similar one for contact created.

I wrote use caution because in many cases just creating an ID shouldn't necessarily create a matching I. D.

In mind body. Usually you want to wait until they do something relevant and you need to track them in mind body.

So I think this should be turned off most of the time unless you know that you want to create an account a client in mind body every time you create one in high level now you've got the calendar sync items and these do need to be updated.

So We've got calendar one confirmed appointment. If you come back here go back into calendar settings.

If you click this you can see a webhook URL

Or confirmed or add client to class which would be a confirmed appointment.

You can see here confirmed.

Alright we're going to Oops collect the wrong one.

So we're going to update this web and that one was done published and you'll want to do a similar thing for the cancel action.

If someone cancels in high level you want that to be canceled in my body.

So you can see here this is for canceled, come back you're like that again, grab the link or canceled and that should be all you need to do on those two workflows.

You can see I have a placeholder for another calendar that's just to show you that you'll need to do this for each calendar In this case we're only using the one so we don't need to take any further actions.

You want to make sure this set customer type one is on.

This is just to help simplify the identifying of existing members.

You can look at that at some point now let's go back into the lead to trial.

So we've covered how to handle if you want to set up a trial through high level.

Yeah someone comes in through my body.

A new client is created there through some kind of opt in form will create the new client here.

Based off this tag, this is a special tag called MBI new customer and this only gets set when it's a brand new client ID created in my body for the first time.

When that happens, then we can identify it as a new customer still have this just in case should never matter.

But we're going to have this rule in front of each workflow for the most part we remove the new customer tags, we don't need it anymore.

And then we apply a new lead Changed the pipeline. Stage two new lead.

Make sure it's open, Send an email encouraging them to purchase the trial, it's gonna send them a link that should be set.

You'll need to set this link in your custom values and that's pretty much it.

So in this case we don't assume that they have already purchased the trial but if they have we'll be able to catch that later because we're watching for that and through the settings we did here in NBC just jump back in there real quick.

This setting tells us to watch for these.

So if that brand new contact also purchased one of these that would have already triggered some other actions and we'd be monitoring that in another workflow so that those three workflows that we've covered are kind of the ways in for new leads.

Now let's try let's cover what happens when we know they have purchased.

So in the case of this one we know they've already purchased and it would have already triggered these actions for general lead or a regular mind body lead.

They might take that action in a separate step but when they do, when they purchase one of the pre identified trial options it will automatically apply the special tag and be trial purchase and we will also populate a couple custom fields with like the name and the start date, the end date of the trial, the duration, things like that that can all help us drive our work blows.

We're going to make sure it's not an existing member.

Do some tag management create a new opportunity, push them in the purchase trial pipeline, send the internal notification to the team and a couple of messages to the contact.

We do put a slight pause in here to give him a chance to book often they'll book at the time their first class at the time of purchasing the trial.

And if that happens we don't want to send them these messages encouraging them to book.

So now that they purchased the trial the next step we want to push them to is the book that class.

So if they haven't they're going to they will have would have already seen those messages and then when they book that class because we're sync the calendars we would know the appointment status is confirmed in the M. V.

Sync calendar. You know that's a booking and we only want to do this for the first time booking.

And once again we have a special tag that's auto generated in mind body and we look for that tag here and that's called mv.

First time we include a couple of other things to make sure its following the right order like make sure the trial was purchased, make sure that the membership has not already been purchased and then as always we make sure it's not an existing member and we just do some management here with the tags and pulling them out of any of the other active workflows and then we move them to the pipeline stage for first appointment booked that can be appointment or class.

We just call it appointment, send them an email giving them some basic information on what to expect and so forth that should be updated and just a simple SmS message.

So once they booked the next goal would be to get them to show so we track that as well.

Again this is Applying only to the 1st class.

So if we see in the calendar, NBC calendar, the status changed to showed and these statuses do update as part of the sync

They update in real time. So as soon as the statuses showed in mind body it'll be showed here and it will trigger this or if it's missed or you know something happens and you want to manually move it.

That's the trigger too. So you can do that.

We checked to make sure it's not a member.

We move them to that pipeline stage, first class completed at a tag, wait, send them a message which would come right after the class just kind of saying how did it go but if they did not show if they canceled or a no show I'm just going to jump into one of these because it's a very similar flow.

So again the status will update real time.

So if the status is canceled to make sure they're not an existing member, we move them to that pipeline stage first visit, cancel, add a tag, remove them from the other workflow, send a couple of messages encouraging them to rebook and we sent him the built in rescheduling and ask them to to rebook and they can book that through high level because it's two ways.

So we sent them a few messages giving them a chance to respond.

Important note here if you have these automated reminder emails or texts configured in Mind body, you'll want to turn one or the other off so you don't want to be sending them reminders getting them to rebook from both systems.

So just be aware of that were both canceled and no show you want to just handle that accordingly.

So no show is going to be similar to what we just looked at and then we've got this special one just for tracking them through the trial.

So when the trial start date begins that's a custom build called MBI trial start date and on the date of that start date it will trigger this campaign.

And just quick note here Mind body allows you to configure your trial or your pricing option to start.

Either on the date of purchase or on the date of the first completed visit using that pricing option or trial.

If it's configured to officially start on that first visit date, we will not set this NBC start date until that happens.

So well we contract that the purchase has been activated but the date won't be populated until is truly active.

So this should be accurate regardless of how you have that pricing option or trial configured.

Once you get into here you'll move them to the pipeline stage, the trial started and then this is justice logistical thing, you need to set the trial in date so that we can manipulate a couple other steps here in the weight so that will come right here, Wait two days before trial and this is going to be applied to the appointment or event appointment time, which is what we just set up here, two days before we're going to add a tag, saying, saying trial expiring soon set up a manual sms to be pushed out by your team And then we wait two days and we know that's going to be the end of the trial and then we add the trial ended tag and move them to the trial ended pipeline, send the task to the team to follow up and then we wait a couple of weeks and we will add them to the trial ended, lost if they have not moved into purchase stage.

By then Hopefully this 13 day wait period will be plenty of time for them to become a customer and they'll never never get to that.

So we just covered all the trial workflows which is the bulk of what makes everything happen here.

You can look through some of these other ones are just kind of here as placeholders to see to let you know some of the opportunities you can do.

So not very fleshed out the list, reactivation is something you can do the review requests and referral request.

Those are things you can do. I am going to jump into the new member.

So when someone makes a purchase, I'm going to update this in real time right now because I forgot to change this.

So we have a brand new feature very similar to the trial of configurations.

But this is membership assignments. So you can look at all the available pricing options.

Then you can click to identify which ones you consider as price.

If they have a customer purchases One of these pricing options than they are a member.

So you go through and click.

I've selected 20 here and if someone purchases any of those, they will be considered a member.

And what will happen there is we will. Now this has been updated.

Okay well we'll change this client type.

This is a special custom field and the client type and on the day they become a member, they will have a status of new member from that day, the next day going forward.

That will change to just be a member.

Let's just convenient so that we can differentiate between existing members and new members and use it for this trigger.

That's the main reason for the new member status. Otherwise the MB client type would probably be prospect.

They'd be a prospect until they make this one of one of those items purchased and then it could trigger that.

We also allow Emmanuel pipeline Dragon drop into that stage. We do have an extra check here.

If they manually move it, we can't be sure if they're an existing member or not.

We have that usual check. I'm sure they're not an existing member. And again it's member not new member.

New member is cool. Well let that through but remember means they've been a member for more than a day and they shouldn't be going through this.

And this one is simple.

We just move them into that pipeline stage and add a couple of tags just for tracking And change the status of course to one.

So we're almost done here with the configuration of the key things you need to worry about.

I'm gonna show you a couple housekeeping ones. This one's nice to know that this is here.

So there's something in my body called client status and that represents basically the payment status of a client.

So it could be active or suspended or credit card expired or declined things like that.

And we tracked that real time and we push it into a custom field called and the client status.

So depending on what that gets set to.

We have these triggers in place and most it will be active when they first become a member.

So we we only want to apply this if it's active changed the active after it was inactive for an existing member, like if their payment expired or something happened with an existing member, we wouldn't want to run any of these rules for a brand new first time member.

And that's why I don't say new member here only should apply to older exists. Pre existing members.

If it does, then it means the account was just reactivated and you just send him a message saying, okay that accounts Active, thanks, you know that sort of thing and kick them out of the other workflows.

That was less interesting. These other ones are I think you'll see the usefulness of them.

So if the payment was declined, for whatever reason that becomes the status, you would want to take action on that.

So you wait until a reasonable time of day, have this manual smS queued up for your team so they can be there to monitor a response, wait a week, Send an email, wait five days, send a task for the team to follow up.

Hopefully they would have taken action from the first text but we have some follow up just in case and the goal of course, is to get them to resolve their payment client issue.

The payment expired is very similar.

I'm not going to click all the way through but you'll see it looks very familiar, pretty much the same sort of blow, same goal if the payments expire, you want to correct that suspended could mean a lot of things, it could be suspended because they did something wrong or it was just suspended.

Someone on the team chose to suspend them or it was automatic. There's less that we can do automated.

So we just add a task to the team to go look.

So if it's suspended, someone will at least review it and take the appropriate action and then terminated.

This one is kind of similar if an account has been terminated for whatever reason they reach the end of their, their prepaid cycle or a number of visits or whatever and then it changes determinate ID.

We all we're doing here Is waiting 90 days and then we'll add a tag saying 90 days expired because that allows you to group them and then you can send a mass and bulk email for a campaign to get them reactivated or something like that.

And I have some special smart list set up for this.

So if you go into contact there it is. You'll see some smart lists.

So you know what, It's not created, It didn't make it over with the snapshot imports.

So let me, well let me just describe it for you because I don't want to blur out everything.

you would basically have a smart list for each of those statuses.

So you'd see active declined expired, whatever each of those would be up here and then you could click and see those contacts grouped together and take whatever appropriate bulk actions you would like to write from the smart list so you can use your imagination.

They would be right on the air with all the smart list and that pretty much sums up how the snapshot works and what your options are and how the workflows kind of guide your clients, your prospects to become members.

you can see it, it does create a new opportunity pipeline called new lead trial to remember, he said, I'll walk him through this path automatically.

And then of course you can have other existing, opportunity pipelines just like this account does.

And I think that kind of covers it.

So thanks for bearing with me on this long video.